GCSEPod is a unique resource to help pupils with learning and GCSE revision. It is accessible on a PC, tablet or smartphone, either via our Frog VLE, or by downloading an app through the Apple Store or Google Play.

There are over 3,500 audio-visual podcasts which can be viewed anytime and anywhere. It is designed to condense exactly the right knowledge you need for exam success into short 3 to 5 minute clips.

The podcasts are designed for mobile devices so it’s like carrying a huge pile of textbooks and revision guides around with you everywhere. It explains everything clearly and precisely with accurate facts, quotes, keywords, dates and annotated diagrams on screen.

Pupils won’t need to use it for long before they feel the impact. It has been proven that consistent use in just 10 minute chunks supports achievement and improves GCSE grades.





Mae GCSE Pod yn adnodd unigryw i helpu disgyblion ddysgu ac adolygu ar gyfer TGAU. Gellir ei gyrraedd ar gyfrifiadur, dabled neu ffônsmart, trwy naill ai ein Broga VLE neu trwy lawrlwytho app trwy Apple Store neu Goggle Play.

Mae dros 3,500 podcast gweledol a chlyweledol y gellir eu gwylio unrhyw adeg ac yn unrhyw le. Fe’i bwriadwyd i gyddwyso y nifer cywir o wybodaeth sydd ei angen i lwyddo mewn arholiadau mewn clipiau o 3 i 5 munud.

Bwriadwyd y podcast ar gyfer teclynnau symudol felly mae’n debyg i gario nifer helaeth o werslyfrau a chanllawiau adolygu o gwmpas. Mae’n esbonio popeth yn glir ac uniongyrchol gyda ffeithiau cywir, dyfyniadau, geiriau allweddol, dyddiadau a deiagramau ar sgrin.
Ni fydd raid i ddisgyblion ei ddefnyddio am amser hir cyn sylweddoli ei werth. Profwyd bod defnydd cyson dros gyfnodau byr o 10 munud yn cefnogi llwyddiant ac yn gwella graddau TGAU.

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