Covid-19 Vaccination

You may have read in the media that Welsh Government plan to offer all 12 to 15 year old children a Covid-19 vaccination. 

The following links and help sheets should contain all the information required to make an informed choice. Further information may be sought from your GP.  

We recognise that the take up of a vaccination is a personal decision and some people have strong views. We have outlined below the school’s role in any vaccination programme so that you and your children understand the process.

  1. NHS Wales are responsible for all vaccination programmes. School staff do not administer vaccinations. Under the school vaccination programme, we provide a venue on request for qualified NHS professionals.
  2. Prior to any vaccination programme, the school advises parents/carers of what is happening. Letters and consent forms are distributed to parents/carers via their child.
  3. On the day of the vaccination, the NHS professionals check that a parental consent form has been received and the child wishes to have the vaccination. If there is no consent from parent and child, the vaccination does not take place.
  4. If there is a dispute between the parent and child, the school nurses will work with you to find a resolution.
  5. If two parents disagree about their child being vaccinated, ultimately that is a legal matter for you to take up with the courts. You will need to seek legal advice.
  6. School staff are not medical professionals. We do not provide advice to pupils or their parents/carers on vaccinations. If you are worried or have questions about your personal circumstances, you should consult your GP.

Currently we have not been advised of any dates for vaccinations or been asked to provide a venue. It is likely that Swansea Bay Health Board decide to use a vaccination centre rather than the school. As soon as we know more, we will let parents/carers know. 

We are receiving a number of copied/pasted letters from the internet sent to us. These are generally freely available from ‘anti-vax’ forums. Unfortunately, we will not be responding to correspondence of this nature, particularly when we are unaware of any arrangements to use the school as a vaccination centre at this time. Genuine queries regarding vaccination should be addressed to your GP or other medical professionals. 

Covid-19 Vaccination

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