
Bullying may be defined as persistent and sustained abuse and can take many forms. Cwmtawe is determined to ensure the school is a happy and caring place and is fully committed to eradicating bullying of all forms.

We take many steps to discourage bullying behaviour on a daily basis. The topic is explored in depth as part of our wellbeing programme and through regular school assemblies.

In addition,

  1. There is strict demarcation of yard space which separates Years 7 and 8 from Years 9, 10 and 11;

  2. A high staff presence throughout the school interior and exterior during non-teaching time;

  3. The school rule that almost all pupils remain on site reduces the risk of bullying;

  4. The wide variety of lunchtime activities on offer and the availability of a supervised library area affords pupils the opportunity to participate in the life of the school and also to be in contact with caring adults;

  5. The presence of Year 10 Peer Mentors and Year 11 Prefects on duty at lunch time, break time and lesson change over for younger pupils to approach;

  6. The wellbeing programme plays an important role, not only in explicitly focusing on the problem of bullying, but also implicitly through building skills and attitudes which encourage positive behaviour and develop regard for the personal integrity of individuals.

  7. Bullying, where it exists, often persists due to a reluctance on the part of victims and others to communicate the problem to those who are in a position to help solve the problem. Much is done through the efforts of all who work at Cwmtawe to create an open atmosphere where pupils have confidence in the adults and older pupils they work alongside. There is a high priority placed on creating the kind of ethos and environment where not only is it ‘O.K. to tell’ but where pupils will be confident that their concerns will receive a sympathetic response.

Whilst we can take steps to control bullying in school, we also recognise that mobile phones and social media can make it difficult for pupils to escape the abuse. We actively encourage all parents/carers to educate children at home about the effects of social networking and appropriate use of electronic media.

For more information on bullying, please read our Anti-Bullying Policy.

If you think your son/daughter is being bullied, please tell us immediately by speaking with your son/daughter’s Head of Year.

Gwrth Fwlio

Gellir diffinio bwlio fel camdrin cyson mewn sawl ffurf. Mae Cwmtawe yn benderfynol o sicrhau bod yr ysgol yn un hapus ac yn lle gofalus ac mae’n lwyr ymroddedig i waredu bwlio ym mhob ffurf.

Cymerwn sawl cam i gael gwared ar ymddygiad o fwlio yn ddyddiol. Trafodir y pwnc yn drylwyr fel rhan o’n rhaglen fugeiliol a thrwy wasanaethau ysgol rheolaidd.

Yn ychwanegol,

  1. Neilltuir ardal ar y buarth i flynyddoedd 7 ac 8 ar wahan i’r ardal a neilltuir ar gyfer blynyddoedd 9, 10 ac 11.
  2. Yn ystod cyfnodau o egwyl a chinio mae ‘na bresenoldeb staff uchel tu fewn a thu allan i’r ysgol;
  3. Mae rheol yr ysgol bod rhaid i bron pob disgybl aros ar y safle yn lleihau’r risg o fwlio;
  4. Yn ystod amseroedd cinio cinigir amrywiaeth o weithgareddau ac mae’r llyfrgell hefyd yn cael ei arolygu. Rhydd hyn gyfle i ddisgyblion gymryd rhan ym mywyd yr ysgol ac i gael cysylltiad ag oedolion gofalus;
  5. Mae mentoriaid blwyddyn 10 ynghyd a swyddogion blwyddyn 11 ar ddyletswydd yn ystod amserau cinio, amserau egwyl a’r cyfnodau o newid rhwng gwersi a gall disgyblion iau ymgynghori â nhw;
  6. Mae’r rhaglen fugeiliol yn hanfodol i ganolbwyntio ar y broblem o fwlio. Mae hefyd yn adeiladu sgiliau ac yn meithrin agweddau positif a pharch at unigolion.
  7. Lle digwydd bwlio, mae’n aml oherwydd bod disgybl yn hwyrfrydig i hysbysu pobl allai ddatrys y broblem o hynny. Mae pawb yng Nghwmtawe yn cydweithio i greu awyrgylch agored lle mae gan ddisgyblion yr hyder i ymgynghori ag oedolion a disgyblion hŷn. Rhoddir blaenoriaeth i greu ethos garedig ac awyrgylch lle mae’n “dderbyniol i ddweud” ond un lle bydd disgyblion yn hyderus y byddwn yn gwrando ar eu pryderon.


Tra allwn gymryd camau breision i reoli bwlio yn yr ysgol rydym hefyd yn cydnabod bod ffônau symudol a gwefannau cymdeithasol yn ei gwneud yn anodd i ddisgyblion osgoi camdrin. Anogwn bob rhiant/gofalwr i addysgu eu plant adref am effeithiau gwefannau cymdeithasol a sut i ddefnyddio cyfryngau electronig yn gyfrifol.

Am wybodaeth pellach ar fwlio darllennwch ein Polisi Gwrth-Fwlio.

Os ydych yn amau bod eich mab/merch yn cael ei fwlio cofiwch ein hysbysu cyn gynted â phosib trwy siarad âPhennaeth Blwyddyn eich mab/merch.

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