Eco Committee

Environmental and global issues are integrated across the school curriculum for all pupils. However, the Eco Committee take this a stage further. Led and driven by the pupils themselves, they constantly explore ways in which we can work together to improve sustainability.

We have a small but active Eco Committee with representatives from each year group. They meet on a regular basis to consider how to make the school more sustainable. As a result of their work, the school first achieved Green Flag status in 2005, but has since achieved the coveted Eco Schools Platinum award.

Pwyllgor Eco

Integreiddir materion amgylcheddol o fewn cwricwlwm yr ysgol i bob disgybl. Fodd bynnag, mae’r Pwyllgor Eco yn mynd gam ymhellach. Mae’r disgyblion sy’n arwain y gwaith yn chwilio’n gyson am ffyrdd o gydweithio i wella cynaladwyedd.

Mae gennym grwp bach a gweithgar o ddisgyblion sy’n cynrychioli pob blwyddyn ar y Pwyllgor Eco. Maent yn cyfarfod yn rheolaidd i ystyried sut i wneud yr ysgol yn fwy cynaladwy. O ganlyniad i’w gwaith, enillodd yr ysgol statws y Faner Werdd yn 2005 ond ers hynny ennillodd y wobr Platinwm Eco-Ysgolion.

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