Additional Learning Needs

Cwmtawe is a fully inclusive school and we endeavour to provide additional support to all pupils in need. The process of gathering additional learning needs information begins during the transition process. The majority of pupils who have been identified as having additional needs are placed in smaller teaching groups to allow for literacy and numeracy intervention through bespoke, timetabled lessons. If required, additional nurture or literacy and numeracy support is also provided in small groups during withdrawal sessions. This arrangement is maintained throughout Years 8 and 9.

Individual Education Plans (IEPs) are drawn up provide guidance to their teachers. Teaching and learning is appropriately adapted and differentiated to meet their needs and individual attention provided when possible during lessons.

Able and talented pupils are also suitably challenged by the provision of extension work and enrichment opportunities to enhance their curriculum. Further details are available in the school’s Able & Talented Policy.

The Pastoral Support Structure ensures that children who have other additional needs or who may be vulnerable are also supported.

This approach ensures that all learners, regardless of ability, are able to realise their full potential.

Learner Support Centre for pupils with Dyslexia

The school hosts a learner support centre for pupils with dyslexia for Neath Port Talbot local authority. This is a specialist teaching facility for a small number of pupils with more specific learning difficulties. It is intended to cater for pupils from across the local authority with statements for dyslexia.

Pupils are integrated into mainstream classes and are withdrawn for individual specialised tuition at other times within the LSC unit. Mainstream pupils do not have access to these units – only pupils allocated places via the local authority’s Additional Learning Needs Panel.

Learner Support Centre for pupils with Autistic Spectrum Disorder

The school also hosts a learner support centre for pupils with Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD) for Neath Port Talbot local authority. This specialist teaching facility caters for a small number of pupils with more specific learning difficulties. It is intended to cater for pupils from across the local authority with statements for autism.

Pupils are integrated into mainstream classes and are withdrawn for individual specialised tuition at other times. Access to this LSC unit is only available to pupils allocated a place by Neath Port Talbot local authority’s Additional Learning Needs Panel. Mainstream pupils do not have access to the units.


Cwmtawe was built with accessibility in mind and can cater for pupils with a wide range of disabilities. Parents of pupils with disabilities are advised to contact the school to visit and assess whether we are able to fully meet your son/daughter’s specific needs.

Anghenion Addysgol Ychwanegol

Mae Cwmtawe yn ysgol gynhwysol ac ymdrechwn i ddarparu cefnogaeth ychwanegol i bob disgybl sydd ei angen. Mae’r gwaith o gasglu gwybodaeth am anghenion addysgol ychwanegol yn dechrau yn ystod y broses drosglwyddo. Gosodir y mwyafrif o’r disgyblion sydd ag anghenion addysgol ychwanegol mewn dosbarthiadau dysgu llai o faint sy’n caniatau iddynt dderbyn ychwaneg o wersi llythrennedd a rhifedd. Os oes angen rhoddir cefnogaeth fugeiliol, llythrennedd neu rifedd ychwanegol mewn grwpiau llai trwy eu tynnu o wersi.

Cynhelir y drefniadaeth yma trwy gydol blynyddoedd 8 a 9

Cynlluniau Addysgu Unigol (IEP). Llunir rhain i roi arweiniad i athrawon. Addasir yr addysgu a’r dysgu a gwahaniaethir i gwrdd â’u anghenion. Rhoddir sylw unigol yn ystod gwersi ble mae hynny’n bosibl.

Gosodir her i ddisgyblion abl a thalentog trwy ddarparu gwaith ymestynnol a chyfleoedd ehangach ar eu cyfer. Gellir cael manylion pellach ym mholisi Abl a Thalentog yr ysgol.

Mae’r Strwythur Cefnogaeth Fugeiliol yn sicrhau bod plant ag anghenion ychwanegol neu sydd yn fregus yn derbyn cefnogaeth.

Mae’n sicrhau bod pob disgybl, beth bynnag ei allu, yn gwireddu ei botensial.

Canolfan Cefnogi Dysgwyr â Dislecsia

Mae’r ysgol yn gartref i ganolfan cefnogi dysgu disgyblion â dislecsia awdurdod lleol Castell-nedd Port Talbot. Mae’n adnodd addysgu arbenigol ar gyfer nifer fach o ddisgyblion gydag anawsterau dysgu penodol. Mae’n darparu gwasanaeth ar gyfer disgyblion ar draws yr awdurdod lleol sydd â datganiadau dislecsia.

Addysgir disgyblion mewn dosbarthiadau arferol ac maent yn cael eu tynnu o wersi ar gyfer addysg unigol arbenigol o fewn yr uned dislecsia. Yr unig ddisgyblion sy’n cael mynediad i’r unedau yw’r rheini y neilltuwyd lle yno ar eu cyfer gan Banel Anghenion Addysgu Ychwanegol yr awdurdod lleol.

Canolfan Cefnogi Dysgu ar gyfer disgyblion ag Awtistiaeth

Mae’r ysgol yn gartref i ganolfan cefnogi dysgu disgyblion ag awtistiaeth (ASD) awdurdod lleol Castell-nedd Port Talbot. Mae’r adnodd addysgu arbenigol yma yn darparu ar gyfer nifer fach o ddisgyblion gydag anawsterau dysgu penodol. Mae’n darparu gwasanaeth i ddisgyblion ar draws yr awdurdod lleol sydd â datganiad awtistiaeth.

Addysgir disgyblion o fewn dosbarthiadau arferol ond maent yn cael eu neilltuo o rai gwersi ar gyfer addysg arbenigol. Yr unig ddisgyblion sy’n cael mynediad i’r unedau yw’r rheini y neilltuwyd lle yno ar eu cyfer gan Banel Anghenion Addysgu Ychwanegol yr awdurdod lleol.


Adeiladwyd Cwmtawe i ddarparu ar gyfer disgyblion gydag amrywiaeth o anableddau. Cynghorir rhieni disgyblion ag anableddau i gysylltu a’r ysgol i drefnu ymweliad ac i asesu a ydym yn gallu cwrdd â gofynion penodol eich mab/merch.

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