
We are fortunate to have outstanding teachers who create opportunities for pupils to achieve, not just academically, but in all areas of life. However, they can only have a positive impact on pupils when they are in school. 

Excellent attendance and punctuality are essential to making good progress and raising achievement.

Whilst we would like all pupils to achieve 100% attendance, we also understand there are occasions when pupils are too unwell to come to school. However, we ask all parents/carers to support the school and ensure pupils attend as much as possible. We aim for all pupils to achieve attendance in excess of 97%. 

The table below illustrates the impact of poor attendance on your child's education.

100% Our attendance target for all pupils.
97% Our minimum acceptable attendance for all pupils.
95% One half day missed per fortnight on average.
Three months of learning missed over a pupil’s time in secondary education.
90% One half day missed per week on average.
Six months of learning missed over a pupil’s time in secondary education.
80% One whole day missed per week on average.
One year of learning missed over a pupil’s time in secondary education.

Pupils are considered to be persistently absent when their attendance falls below 90%. In these circumstances, you will be invited in to the school to discuss what is causing poor attendance and investigate ways in which the school can help. You may also receive a visit from the Education Welfare Service. 

If poor attendance continues, you may be asked to provide medical evidence for further absences, issued with a Fixed Penalty Notice or taken to court. However, the school views these sanctions as a last resort and encourages all parents/carers to speak to us as early as possible to avoid it getting to this stage.  

Outlined below are some of the ways parents/carers can support us to achieve excellent attendance.



Rydym yn ffodus o gael athrawon rhagorol sy’n creu cyfleoedd i ddisgyblion gyflawnu, nid yn unig yn academaidd, ond ym mhob agwedd o fywyd. Fodd bynnag, dim ond pryd fydd disgyblion yn yr ysgol y gallant gael dylanwad cadarnhaol arnynt.

Mae presenoldeb uchel a phrydlondeb yn hanfodol i wneud cynnydd da ac i wella cyrhaeddiad.

Tra hoffem i bob disgybl fod yn yr ysgol 100% o’r amser rydym hefyd yn deal bod rhai adegau pryd mae disgyblion yn rhy dost i ddod i’r ysgol. Fodd bynnag, gofynnwn i bob rhiant/gofalwr i gefnogi yr ysgol a sicrhau bod disgyblion yn mynychu cymaint â phosibl. Anelwn at gael pob disgybl i fynychu am dros 97% o’r amser.

Ystyrir disgyblion sydd â phresenoldeb islaw 90% fel rhai sy’n gyson absennol. Yn yr amgylchiadau hyn, fe’ch gwahoddir i’r ysgol i drafod beth sy’n achosi’r presenoldeb isel ac i drafod sut all yr ysgol helpu. Mae’n bosib y gallech hefyd dderbyn ymweliad gan y Gwasanaeth Addysg Lles.

Os fydd presenoldeb isel yn parhau gellir gofyn i chi ddarparu tystiolaeth feddygol am absenoldeb a gallech dderbyn Hysyseb o Ddirwy neu fynd i’r llys. Fodd bynnag, dyna fydd y pegwn eithaf ac anogwn rhieni/gofalwyr i siarad â ni cyn gynted â phosib i osgoi cyrraedd y pegwn hwnnw.

Isod amlinellwn rai ffyrdd y gall rhieni/gofalwn ein cefnogi i gael presenoldeb ardderchog.

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