Useful Information For Parents

We know that the support of parents/carers is vital to ensure all our pupils achieve their potential. Therefore, we strive to forge strong links and develop good relationships before pupils even start in Year 7.


It is essential that the school and parents/carers maintain good communication throughout your child's school years. This can be maintained via the Pupil Planner or by speaking directly with their Head of Year. We encourage all parents to contact us immediately if they are worried or concerned about anything.

We strive to keep parents/carers well informed in general about school life and the progress of their children. However, it can sometimes be very difficult to offer regular and personal updates to every parent of nearly 1,300 pupils.

Some of the ways we try and achieve this are as follows:

Continuous Improvement

We are always looking for ways in which we can improve our communication and relationships with parents. In fact, we try and consult parents whenever we make key decisions within the school which may affect them. Every three years, we survey all parents to gain feedback on various aspects of the school and use this information to inform provision.

If you have any ideas, we would be more than happy to hear them. Whilst we can't promise to implement every idea, we can assure you that all will be carefully considered.

Gwybodaeth Ddefnyddiol i Rieni

Rydym yn llwyr sylweddoli bod cefnogaeth rhieni/gofalwyr yn hanfodol i sicrhau bod pob disgybl yn cyraedd ei botensial. Felly ceisiwn greu cysylltiadau cryf a pherthynas dda cyn i ddisgyblion ddechrau ym Mlwyddyn 7.


Mae’n hanfodol bod yr ysgol a’r rhieni/gofalwyr yn cynnal cysylltiadau da trwy gydol blynddoedd ysgol eich plentyn. Gellir gwneud hyn trwy drefnydd personol disgyblion neu trwy siarad â’r Pennaeth Blwyddyn. Rydym yn annog pob rhiant i gysylltu a ni yn ddiymdroi os oes ganddynt bryderon am unrhyw beth.

Ceisiwn hysbysu rhieni/gofalwyr am fywyd cyffredinol yr ysgol ac am gynnydd eu plant. Fodd bynnag, gall weithiau fod yn anodd cynnig diweddariadau rheolaidd a phersonol i bob rhiant mewn ysgol o bron 1,300 disgybl.

Dyma rai o’r ffyrdd y ceisiwn gysylltu â rhieni:


Gwella parhaus

Rydym bob amser yn edrych am ffyrdd o wella’r dulliau o gyfathrebu ynghyd â’n perthynas â rhieni. Mewn gwirionedd ceisiwn ymgynghori â rhieni pan wneir penderfyniadau allweddol fydd yn eu heffeithio. Bob tair mlynedd, cynhelir arolwg o farn rhieni ar wahanol agweddau o’r ysgol a defnyddiwn y wybodaeth i wella’r ddarpariaeth.

Os oes gennych unrhyw syniadau byddem yn falch o’u clywed. Ni allwn addo gweithredu pob syniad ond gallwn eich sicrhau y byddant yn cael ystyriaeth ofalus.

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