

The school was inspected by Estyn in October 2012. Following the inspection, Estyn stated that the school’s current performance and prospects for improvement were both excellent.

It stated:

Cwmtawe Community School is an excellent school because:

  • Pupils make very good progress and achieve high standards;

  • There is a very strong ethos that places the needs of pupils at the centre of all aspects of school life;

  • The quality of teaching is very high and has a considerable impact on sustaining standards that are well above expectations;

  • The leadership of the Headteacher and senior managers is outstanding; and

  • There are very good procedures to promote pupils’ wellbeing.

The prospects for improvement are excellent because:

  • there are strong management systems and very effective processes for self-evaluation, monitoring learners’ performance and improving quality;

  • the school has an excellent track record in securing improvement;

  • there is a very strong team working across the school and an effective programme of staff development; and

  • there are very good initiatives in place that focus effectively on continuously improving teaching and learning.

Read the full report.

Thematic Reviews

The school is also regularly asked to participate in thematic reviews. The most recent reviews are outlined below.

School-to-School Support (June 2015) News Article Full Report
Good Practice in Mathematics at Key Stage 3 (February 2015)   Full Report
ESDGC (June 2014) News Article Full Report
English in key stage 2 and key stage 3 (June 2014)   Full Report
Access to Coaching & Careers Advice (May 2014) News Article  Full Report
HMCI Annual Report 2012-2013   Full Report
PE in secondary schools (February 2012)    Full Report

Cafodd yr ysgol ei arolygu gan ESTYN yn Hydref 2012. Yn dilyn yr arolwg, dywedodd ESTYN bod perfformiad cyfredol yr ysgol ac arolygon ar gyfer gwelliant yn ardderchog.


Mae Ysgol Gymunedol Cwmtawe yn ysgol ardderchog oherwydd:

  • Mae’r disgyblion yn gwneud cynnydd da iawn ac yn cyrraedd safonau uchel;
  • Mae yna ethos cryf iawn sy’n blaenoriaethu anghenion y disgyblion ym mhob agwedd o fywyd yr ysgol;
  • Mae ansawdd yr addysgu yn uchel iawn ac yn cael dylanwad sylweddol ar gynnal safonau sydd y tu hwnt i ddisgwyliadau;
  • Mae arweiniad y Prifathro a’r uwch-reolwyr yn rhagorol; ac
  • Mae yna drefniadaeth dda iawn i hyrwyddo lles disgyblion.


Mae’r arolygon ar gyfer gwelliant yn ardderchog oherwydd:

  • Mae ‘na drefnidaeth rheoli cryf a phroses effeithiol o hunan-werthuso, arolygu perfformiad dysgwyr a gwella ansawdd;
  • Mae gan yr ysgol record wych o sicrhau gwelliant;
  • Mae ‘na dîm cryf iawn yn gweithio ar draws yr ysgol ar raglen effeithiol o ddatblygu staff; ac
  • Mae ‘na gynlluniau da iawn ar y gweill sy’n canolbwyntio’n effeithiol ar wella’r dysgu a’r addysgu yn barhaus.
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