Pupil Development Grant

The Welsh Government provide additional funding to schools to support pupils entitled to Free School Meals. The grant is designed to alleviate any disadvantage experienced by these pupils resulting from not being able to access the same opportunities as pupils from more financially stable families.

The PDG grant is not attributable to individual pupils and it is up to each individual school to decide how to spend the funding. Our aim through the grant is to provide all pupils with equal access to teaching, learning and support to allow them to achieve their potential.

For 2017-2018, the school was allocated £249,550.  Spending Plan

Looked After Children are also entitled to additional support via the Pupil Development Grant. However, these funds are held centrally by the local authority and decisions on how to allocate and spend the grant are undertaken by them. The school has no input or control over this funding.

More information on the Pupil Development Grant may be found on the Welsh Government website.

Grant Datblygiad Disgybl

Mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn darparu cyllid ychwanegol i ysgolion i gefnogi disgyblion sy’n derbyn Cinio Ysgol Rhad. Nod y grant yw lleihau anfanteision i’r disgyblion sy’n methu derbyn yr un cyfleoedd â disgyblion o deuluoedd sydd ar sylfeini cyllidol cadarnach.

Ni roddir y grant PDG i ddisgyblion unigol. Ysgolion unigol sydd i benderfynu sut i wario’r cyllid. Ein nod yw rhoi cyfle cyfartal i bob disgybl dderbyn addysg, dysg a chefnogaeth i gyrraedd eu potensial.

Ar gyfer 2015-2016 rhoddwyd £222,600 i Ysgol Cwmtawe. 

Ar gyfer 2017-2018 rhoddwyd £249,550 i’r ysgol. Cynllun Gwario

Mae gan Blant Mewn Gofal hefyd yr hawl i dderbyn cefnogaeth ychwanegol trwy’r Grant Datblygiad Disgybl. Fodd bynnag, yr awdurdod lleol yw deiliaid y gyllideb yn ganolog a nhw sy’n gwneud penderfyniadau ar sut i ddosrannu a gwario’r grant. Nid oes gan yr ysgol fewnbwn na rheolaeth dros yr arian.

Gellir cael mwy o wybodaeth am y Grant Datblygiad Disgybl ar wefan Llywodraeth Cymru.

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