
Pupils in Cwmtawe sit both internal and external examinations throughout their time in school. It is essential that they are well prepared and get into good habits at an early stage. Further guidance on examination preparation is available on the study skills page.

As we approach the examinations season, we give all pupils a copy of our timetables to take home. They are also published on the website. It is essential that all pupils taking external examinations are familiar with the rules and regulations.

Taking examinations for the first time can be a stressful time. Pupils are encouraged to talk to their teachers about their worries. You may also find the guide ‘Beat Exam Stress’ from Childline useful.

We request that parents do not book any term time holidays in Year 10 or Year 11 as external examination components cannot be rescheduled.


The following table shows the examination schedule for the 2023-24 academic year.

24th - 28th June 2024
 Internal examinations
10th January 2024 a.m. session
External: GCSE English Unit 1.
5th - 9th February 2024
Internal examinations
7th May - 21st June 2024
External examinations
26th & 29th September 2023
Internal: Maths Mock Exam.
13th November 2023 a.m. session
External: GCSE Maths Unit 1
15th November 2023 a.m. session
External: GCSE Maths Unit 2
12th – 19th December 2023
Most subjects (Timetable tbc)
15th – 19th January 2024
Non-Examination Assessments
22nd - 26th January 2024
English Language Oral Assessments
11th March 2024
Drama Practical
7th May - 21st June 2024
External examinations
16th - 18th April 2024
Welsh Second Language Oral Exams: Unit 1
22nd - 24th April 2024
Welsh Second Language Oral Exams: Unit 2
15th March 2024
Welsh First Language Oracy Assessments
29th & 30th April 2024
French Oracy Exams
1st – 2nd May 2024
German Oracy Exams


Mae disgyblion yn Ysgol Cwmtawe yn sefyll arholiadau mewnol a allannol trwy gydol eu hamser yn yr ysgol. Mae’n hanfodol eu bod yn paratoi yn drylwyr ac yn gosod seiliau adolygu effeithiol mewn da bryd. Gellir cael mwy o wybodaeth ar baratoi ar gyfer arholiadau ar y dudalen sgiliau astudio a thrwy GCSEPod.

Wrth agosau at dymor yr arholiadau, rydym yn rhoi copi o amserlenni i bob disgybl. Cyhoeddir amserlenni ar ein gwefan hefyd. Mae’n hanfodol bod pob disgybl fydd yn sefyll arholiadau allannol yn gyfarwydd â’r rheolau.

Gall sefyll arholiadau am y tro cyntaf fod yn gyfnod pryderus. Anogir disgyblion i siarad gyda’u hathrawon am eu pryderon. Mae’n bosib y gwelwch bod y canllawiau ‘Beat Exam Stress’ ar Childline yn ddefnyddiol a hefyd y wefan ar gyfer pobl ifan Meic.

Gofynnwn i rieni beidio trefnu gwyliau yn ystod tymhorau ysgol i Flwyddyn 10 neu Flwyddyn 11. Ni ellir ad-drefnu arholiadau allannol.




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