Year 8 Options

In the Summer term pupils in year 8 have the opportunity of choosing subjects they would like to specialise in. There are some subjects which are compulsory that everyone studies. Pupils are then able to select four option subjects.

Compulsory Subjects

Option Subjects


Please note, options are subject to change. Although we work hard to try and accommodate all option choices, in a small number of cases it may not be possible.

Options Process

The options process starts in March when pupils complete an options survey. This information is used to devise the options structure. Pupils receive special assemblies in school and have access to support from the Careers Adviser and school staff, before deciding upon their final choices in June.

Pupils then start studying their option subjects in September of Year 9.

Opsiynau Blwyddyn 8

Wrth i ddisgyblion ddechrau cyfnod allweddol 4 mae ganddynt gyfle i ddewis opsiynau yr hoffent arbenigo ynddynt. Mae yna rai pynciau sy’n orfodol i bawb eu hastudio. Gall disgyblion wedyn ddewis tri phwnc opsiwn.

Pynciau Gorfodol

Pynciau Opsiwn


Noder, y gall rhai o’r pynciau yma newid. Er ein bod yn gweithio’n ddiwyd i redeg pob opsiwn, mewn ychydig o achosion efallai na fydd hynny’n bosibl.

Proses Opsiynau

Mae’r broses opsiynau yn dechrau tua mis Ionawr. Gwahoddir pob rhiant i noson rieni arbennig i esbonio’r broses a gall rhieni ofyn cynifer o gwestiynau ag y dymunant. Gall rhieni hefyd wneud apwyntiad i gwrdd â’r Cynghorydd Gyrfaoedd.

Cynhelir gwasanaethau penodol yn yr ysgol a chynigir cefnogaeth gan y Swyddog Gyrfaoedd a staff yr ysgol. Caiff pob disgybl gyfarfod personol gyda’u pennaeth blwyddyn neu uwch-aelod o staff i drafod eu dewisiadau ac i ofyn cwestiynau cyn dod i benderfyniadau terfynol.

Bydd disgyblion wedyn yn dechrau astudio eu pynciau opsiwn ym Mehefin Blwyddyn 9. 

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